Introduction to Celebrating Sundays - The Lord's Day

Sundays are "The Lord's Day" because it is on this first day of the week, Jesus arose from the dead. Because of that, Sundays are little Easters and cause for celebration because we are reminded that Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday, and as believers, we will rise again too!

The solemnity and silence of the Lord’s Day in past generations did not properly signify the rejoicing we should be doing on this day.

It is also not necessarily a “day of rest.” The early Jewish believers would have gone to synagogue on Saturday and then back to work on Sunday, meeting from house to house to learn about Jesus and fellowship with other Christ followers, working around their usual Sunday activities. Sunday can be our "Sabbath," but it should not be a hard and fast rule.

When you take the pressure off Sunday to be a day of rest and consider it a day of celebration and gathering with the saints, you will find so much peace and joy! Enjoy the day with your family and other believers - you have been set free!

The audio below is from the Raising Arrows® Podcast, Episode 159 - Changing How We See Sundays. I pray it gives you comfort and joy!

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